Virtual practice sessions

Virtual practice sessions

Going on training is very good for developing the underlying knowledge and basic skills of mentors.  We recognised that to make the most effective mentors, there needs to be a step beyond that. To develop the practical skills, mentors require opportunities to try...
Mentoring Software

Mentoring Software

How do you know that the mentoring your organisation have set up is happening? How do you track it? Does administering your scheme take more time than it should? The Mentoring School have teamed up with MentorNet to provide a solution for these issues with their...
Consultancy, Review and Set Up

Consultancy, Review and Set Up

As internationally respected experts in good mentoring practice, The Mentoring School are uniquely placed to be able to offer consultancy, review of existing mentor schemes and support the set-up of new schemes. Consultancy Advice Assessment of need Operation...