Accreditation of your course

Many companies and organisations have established mentoring schemes with their own training forming an integral part of their effective scheme.  Often this has been developed over several years to meet the precise needs of the mentoring scheme.

We recognise good practice and the effectiveness of what you are already doing.

We recognise that some courses developed by organisations, both train highly effective mentors and also include the underpinning theories of mentoring.

We are delighted to work with partner organisations to externally accredit their courses, reviewing their training against standardised criteria for mentoring qualifications.

See full course accreditation criteria here!

To discuss your training, please contact us.

The accreditation process

There is an initial fee of £500 + VAT to review the content of your training against the qualification criteria.
This then will produce either an action plan to resolve the missing items or a recommendation to accredit the training as it is.
If there were less than 3 items to resolve then the second review cost is covered by the initial cost, if it is more then there is a £200 fee for each review required.
The qualification will be assessed by a written portfolio, which are marked by us.
Once a programme is accredited, then organisations need to formally become one of our centres and undergo due diligence checks as an organisation and of each of the proposed trainers.
Registration costs are discounted as part of the accreditation package, which includes registration for 2 trainers. If more trainers are required to be registered, then this costs an additional fee per trainer – discounted as part of the accreditation package.
This registration fee includes an induction delivered by us on delivering regulated qualifications and the specific qualification requirements relating to your training.
There is an annual registration for delivering the qualification.
There is a fee per learner for their qualification registration and assessment.

Check out our course catalogue to find a course that suits you!