Further services

Programmes and services to further your company’s mentoring goals

Accreditation of your course

Accreditation of your course

Many companies and organisations have established mentoring schemes with their own training forming an integral part of their effective scheme.  Often this has been developed over several years to meet the precise needs of the mentoring scheme. We recognise good...

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Reverse Mentoring

Reverse Mentoring

Reverse mentoring is the concept of training young or new employees to help move a company or organisation forward. Using their experience in the modern world, Reverse Mentors give senior staff have the opportunity to review their operations, policies and even their...

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Peer Mentoring Courses

Peer Mentoring Courses

Primary School Peer Mentoring A one-day training session to train a member of staff to deliver a peer mentoring course to Key Stage 2 pupils. Secondary, FE and HE Peer Mentoring Peer mentoring for students in higher levels of education. Suitable for training existing...

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Other courses

Other courses

We are able to provide ancillary courses to support mentoring, these include: Unconscious Bias - 4 hour Unconscious Bias - weekend Personality styles Mindfulness Meditation Please contact us to discuss your requirements.

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Accreditation of mentors

Accreditation of mentors

Mentors who pass the online test at the end of their course will be given accreditation for a year on the international Register of Mentors.   This public database is maintained by the International Mentor Network, a community of mentoring excellence.  It's...

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Bespoke training days

Bespoke training days

Sometimes you want to pass on mentoring knowledge to a large number of staff without the rigmarole of pre-Learning, assessments or certification. It might be to refresh their skills or just give them a basic awareness. Tailored mentor training Our bespoke training...

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Check out our course catalogue to find a course that suits you!